WHERE:KLIMM GALLERY, 460 Ellis Street Apt #12
(between Jones & Leavenworth)
San Francisco, CA 94102; ph (415)724.3601
WHEN:FRIDAY, 3/28/08 6PM–9PM; SATURDAY, 3/29/08 6PM–9PM
Please join us on our Cousteauian journey to an ephemeral maritime utopia tucked away in the gritty, concrete heart of the Tenderloin.
Dazzling new paintings and octopedal beings will crowd the caves of KLIMM where you'll find yourself enveloped in a massive installation taking you to Lands' End.
Where dirt meets water—where reality meets imagination. Think of a dream at sea, the subtle roaring of the endless ocean and the barking of electric ocean dogs.
Poseidon in all his might and the horns of the night will take you traveling into unknown spaces. At Lands' End you will find yourself in transitory in-betweens,
a state of an unconscious essence which can only exist with your being. So be a friend. Be a lover and an adventurer. Come join us at the KLIMM for this breathtaking event.
There will be, as usual, a limited amount of wine and PBR, so come thirsty (but not greedy!) and bring some friends.
Forever yours,
Alex Braubach
President of KLIMM
ps: Donations welcome!